ProStaff Emma gives us an insight being a woman that hunts…


“You shoot?!” can sometimes be the surprised response I get when people ask me what my plans are for the weekend. “You own guns?!” usually follows, while they try to hide their shocked expression. “But… you’re a woman!” There it … Read More

Rock Solid – Viper Flex Quad Shooting Sticks…


Jody Creane takes us through his experience with his Viper Flex sticks As a Deer stalker, having a stable shooting position can mean the difference between an accurate, well placed shot and a bad, in-humane shot. For many years, to … Read More

Shot Follow up from Wayne Rollinson, UK Scent Hound Association


Wayne Rollinson takes us through marking the shot position and finding the strike area with least damage or contamination, just incase you need a tracking team to come in for recovery… DO NOT walk the red zone to the bullet … Read More

UK Scent Hound Association


Injured Deer nowhere to be found, close to darkness, no tracking dog? This is where UKSHA are there to help Before reading on, if you are searching for a deer and need the advice of the UKSHA please call 0800 … Read More

Brent Norbury, BDC Prostaff, tells us a little more about his love for hunting…


Born in England, Brent Norbury, 24, is now living and working as a Professional Hunter in South-West Scotland. “Hunting has always been my life. When I moved to Scotland that’s where it really took over. My main passion is Deer … Read More

Jamie Allen, Yorkshire Deer Management.


When the question was asked how Yorkshire Deer Management came to life the simple answer is – “it just evolved.” My working life started as a Game Keeper, going into the trade straight from school on a large traditional estate, … Read More

Mark Howard, Deer Stalking in England Ltd…


Deer Stalking in England Ltd was set up by a stroke of luck rather than a planned business venture… As a gamekeeper in Norfolk, I ran the Bunwell Wood Shoot where we also ran deer stalking for many years. From … Read More

Deer Seasons


The seasons for deer in the UK are generally based on the breeding cycle of the particular species. They are set apart to allow the culling of animals whilst having the least impact on the health and survival of the … Read More

Rutting Roe


The spectacle that is the roe rut is something any stalker should aim to witness at some point. It can take an inordinate amount of time and perseverance, but a pair of bucks, fighting it out to maintain their status … Read More

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