Home » Manual Calls » The OAKWOOD Roe / Muntjac Call

The OAKWOOD Roe / Muntjac Call


Turned by us from 150 year old oak – a great new call exclusively from BestDeerCall. Super easy to produce natural sounds.

Longer calls for Muntjac:

Shorter “pfiep” for Roe:

12 in stock


With Brexit causing loads of issues importing product from Europe, we decided it was about time we produced our own Roe / Muntjac call. After considerable testing, we found the perfect reed – and combined it with some 150 year old seasoned oak to produce the OAKWOOD…

During testing, a prototype was given to Tim (Check Tim out on Instagram) and on his first outing, he called a young doe – closely followed by a pair of bucks.

Supply is limited at the moment – but as soon as I can get in the workshop, I’ll turn some more!